Tuesday, March 4, 2025


2 large eggs
2 tbsp water
1 tbsp butter
1 cup coarsely chopped fresh spinach
1/3 cup chopped Roma tomatoes
dash of salt
1/3 cup shredded Swiss cheese
twist of freshly ground black pepper

Using a blender or small food processor, process the eggs and water until blended.

Melt the butter in an 8-inch nonstick skillet.  Over medium heat, add the spinach and tomatoes and saute for about a minute until the spinach is wilted.  Add the egg mixture and salt to the skillet.  As the mixture cooks, lift edges of the mixture with a spatula while gently tilting the pan to let uncooked portion run underneath.  Cook until almost set; about a minute.  Cover and cook for another minute.  Sprinkle with the cheese and the pepper; fold in half to melt cheese.  Using a large spatula, slide the omelet onto serving plate.
Serve with buttered toast and fresh berries for a yummy meal.
This recipe makes 1 serving.
Note: This is a recipe I got from Southern Living Magazine several years ago.

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